The church is the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12).

i. Christ is the head of the Church, both of the Church in heaven and the Church on earth (Coll. 1: 18).

ii. One is not qualified for the membership of the Church except he is born again i.e. to be born of water and the Spirit (John 3:1-8).

iii. For if a man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his, therefore he is not a Christian unless he has the Holy Ghost (Rom. 8: 9).

iv. We believe in baptism by immersion in water, for you must be buried with Christ in baptism (Rom. 6: 3-5).

v. Holy communion i.e. is an indispensable part of Christian fellowship, except you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no part in me, said the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 6: 48-58).

vi. We believe that this is the only feast ordained for the remembrance of Christ, as he said “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 23:21-22).

vii. In furtherance of our desire and vow to follow the footsteps of the early saints in all we do in this Church. We discovered that the early Church broke bread in the Church only at night, first day of the week. Therefore it is mandatory that the Lord’s Table communion be observed only at even, first day of the week. Any thing contrary is illegal.

viii. This Holy Communion must be observed with alcoholic wine from grape coupled with unleavened bread.

ix. Having believed that braking of Bread is the feast slated for the remembrance of Christ: This Church does not and will not celebrate Easter.

x. Since the date of Christ birth was not recorded in the bible, this Church reject completely the idea of celebrating Christmas, we regard it as a pagan feast re-christened after Christ.



xi. Every member has the right to eat and drink any humanly acceptable food or drink, (which may include alcoholic beverages) for that which enters through the mouth does not defile the man (Matt. 15: 15-20).

xii. Divorce is permissible on the grounds of:

(a) Fornication (Matt. 19: 9).

(b) If the unbelieving spouse decides to break the marriage on the ground that he/she doesn’t want the believing spouse to continue in the doctrine of the church. (1 Cor. 7:15).

(c) If that marriage constitute a stumbling block or offence in the way of the believer’s heavenly race (Mark 9:43-48).

xiii. Holy matrimony is sacrosanct and is honorable (Heb: 13:4).

xiv. Polygamy is approved by God and thus is approved by the Church (2nd Sam 12:8).

xv. Women have the right to adorn themselves with modest apparel and beautify themselves with cosmetics, according to the dictates of their conscience, being subject to the Holy Spirit (1 Tim. 2: 9).

xvi. We believe in divine healing, that God heals and could heal all manner of diseases; therefore we believe in healing by the laying of hands, and the anointing of olive oil on the sick (Jam. 5: 14-15).

xvii. Yet we believe that God also approves healing through medical science (Luke 10:34-35).

xviii. But we forbid all manner of idolatry, or any sacrifice offered to the devils to obtain healing or favor (1 Cor. 10: 20-22, Acts 15:28-29, 1 Cor. 5:11).



xix. Pastors and other ministers are to be called by God (Eph. 4: 7-12)

xx. Proof of a minister’s call is through the demonstration of the Spirit in his ministry, i.e. God will bear him witness (Heb. 2: 4).

xxi. He could be dropped if he is proven to be inadequate for the call (Luke 6:1-2).

xxii. We believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit and the use of the same in the Church (1 Cor. 12: 7-11).

xxiii. Women could be allowed to teach in the Church, but must not usurp authority over the man, nor serve as a full time Pastor\overseer (Act 18:24-26).

xxiv. We regard prophesying as an indispensable part of daily Church service (1 Cor. 14: 26).


10 Dayspring Annex, Off Oraifite Street, Awada P.O.BOX 6754, Onitsha, Nigeria.

Service Times

Communion Service: Sundays 6:00 PM

Get In Touch

Email: info@dayspringassembly.org.ng
Phone: (234) 8036631996