This section contains a wealth of information, And Answers to Question about DAYSPRING ASSEMBLY and its activities. If you cannot find an answer to your question, make sure to contact us.
1. DAYSPRING ASSEMBLY derived its name from Luke 1:78-79; and the word, ‘DAYSPRING’ from the bible point of view means ‘LIGHT’, Jesus being the light (Dayspring) of the world.
2. Matthew 12:38-42 explains that Jesus must remain in the tomb for three days and three nights; if he was crucified on good Friday would have remained in the grave for only one day and two nights.
3. Christmas is a pagan feast instituted by Constantine, but (Gal.4:8-11) forbids us from keeping pagan festivals & Colossians 2:16 forbids us from keeping holy days. Moreover, the bible did not state the day or date in which Jesus was born.
4. Because the early church baptized in Jesus name (Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5, and Acts 8:16), moreover Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not names, but God has given his name ‘Jesus’ (John 17:11) to his Son through which he keeps them.
5. The New Testament recommend the use of Psalms in worship (Col. 3:16 & Eph.5:19), and Psalms is a piece of music accompanied with musical instrument.
6. Jesus said in Matt. 15:11, Mark 7::15, that whatever that enters through the mouth does not defile a man: Moreover, he turned water into wine in John 2:6-10, the Holy Communion involves alcohol 1 Cor.11:20-21 that was the reason why some Corinthians were drunk. Eph.5:18 only speakagainst excess drinking. Timothy was admonished by Paul to drink a little wine (1 Tim.5:23).
7. Although 1 Tim.2:11-12 forbids women from teaching; but it specified ‘the usurping of authority’ that is, women taking leadership by force. However, since women are permitted to prophesy (Acts 2:17-18, Acts 21:9) they should also teach, because prophecy is ‘edification, exhortation and comfort’ (1 Cor.14:3) and we learn (are taught) through prophecy (1 Cor.14:31). Moreover old women are instructed to teach younger ones in Tit. 2:2.
8. Firstly I 1 Tim. 2:9-10, & 1 Pet.3:3, the New Testament did not forbid the use of ornament; but advised a modest usage; since ornament means, ‘any material attached to the body to beautify it’. The book of James 2:1-5 and Acts 20:33 prove that the early saints used gold and other Jewelries.
9. Dancing means, ‘the movement of our body for joy’ this the Lord permitted in Luke 6:23; where he asks us to jump (move our bodies) for joy. Moreover, since music is played in psalms it should be danced.
10. Because the gathering for fellowship to remember the death of ourLord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 11:23-26), and the Lord instituted it at night ‘a supper’, for it is a fulfillment of Passover (Luke 22:13-20) which must be celebrated at night. Jesus being our Passover (1 Cor.5:7).The early church gathered in the evenings for fellowship (Acts 20:7).
11. Christians are not under Deut. 22:5 because we are not under thelaw, ‘whatsoever the law says it speaks to those under the law’ (Rom.3:19). And Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal.3:13). Moreover, trousers are not exclusively for men, since ladies have their own pattern of trousers.
12. He did not disapprove the paying of tithe in Matt.23:23 because he had not fulfilled the law, because no jot or title will be removed from the law till they are fulfilled (Matt.5:17-20). His audience there was the Pharisees and not the church. But in Hebrews 7:1-18 it is proved that the children of Abraham pay no tithe because Abraham their father paid on their behalf. Moreover tithe is of the law (Heb.7:5).
13. Proverbs 17:22 says that ‘medicine is good’. Jesus himself said, ‘he that is sick needs a physician’ (Matt. 9:22, Mk 2:17, Lk 5:31). He too healed the sick with saliva (Mk 8:22-25, Mk 7:33), and with spittle and clay (John 9:6). Timothy was admonished by Paul to use a little wine (as medicine) (1 Tim.5:23). Elders also were told to anoint the sick with oil (Jam.5:14). Jesus commended the good Samaritan for taking a wounded man to a hospital (Luke 10:30-37).
14. There are two legal grounds for divorce in the New Testament, the first is: When a woman is caught in adultery (Matt.19:9), the second is: When an unbelieving partner decides to leave his or her spouse because of her faith (1 Cor.7:15).
15. Women are allowed to prophesy without veiling because the bible says in 1 Cor. 11:15, that a woman is given a long hair for a covering: so whenever she has her natural hair long – she is veiled (covered). The term ‘BECAUSE OF ANGELS’ is addressed of the pastors for they are the angels of the churches (Rev. 2:1).
16. Drinking two cups during communion is because ‘the communion’ serves two purposes: the 1st is, ‘THE PASSOVER’ through which God passes over our transgressions and sins (Luke 22:13-18, Exo. 12:13), while the 2nd stands for, ‘THE NEW TESTAMENT’ (Luke 22:19-20). Through this we renew our covenant with God.
17. The Lord himself did not keep the Sabbath (Matt.12:1-8, John 5), and in Colossians 2:16, we are admonished to mind any holy day nor the Sabbath. In Heb 4:9, it is written that there remaineth a Sabbath rest for the people of God. It was Emperor Constantine that decreed Sunday as a Sabbath rest in 321 AD.
18. Baptism is, “The answer of good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet.3:21). It signifies, death burial and resurrection with Christ (Rom.6:2-5). One should be immersed in water once, because Christ died once, buried once and rose from the dead once. (Rom.6:10).
19. Apostleship, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher – Eph.4:12
20. Denominational names are not a sin because the church is not called by just one name in the bible: examples, Churches of Christ (Rom.16:16), Churches of God (1 Cor. 16:16), Brethren (Gal.1:2), Saints (Eph.1:1, Philip. 1:1), Church which is in God (1 Thess.1:1), House of God, Church of the living God, Ground and pillar of truth 1 Tim.3:15) etc.
10 Dayspring Annex, Off Oraifite Street, Awada P.O.BOX 6754, Onitsha, Nigeria.
Communion Service: Sundays 6:00 PM
Phone: (234) 8036631996